Friday 1 April 2011

Dick Smith's course

Dick Smith’s course is a bit different from traditional makeup schools, and is compiled of two programs; the basic course, and the advanced course.  Instead of physically getting up every day and heading to school, the education takes place in your own studio. Working at home gives you the freedom to work by you own creativity without criticism, but also impairs you from gaining advice from experienced professionals. The basic course was basically designed so prospective artists could see if this is really what they want to do for their career, and is inexpensive when compared to other options. “My Advanced Professional Make-up Course is considered to be the most respected course in special makeup instruction. But that 700 page course is too advanced for most beginners, so I’ve written a much shorter course to help you “test drive” this career and to help you get a running start.”(Smith, 2011). The basic course entails teaching students how to make a life mask of an actor, sculpting on the life mask, making moulds from the sculpt, filling the moulds with flexible appliance material, and gluing the material on to the actor as well as applying makeup to it.  Once you have completed the basic course you can then take pictures of your work and send them in to be evaluated. Once your work has been evaluated, you will be told if you have been accepted, and if so will be able to purchase the advanced course which goes into much greater detail including aging and mechanical masks (Smith, 2011).
The entire course including the basic course costs about $2350.00, but that is only if you have no supplies of your own. I would say this course is great for people who want to gain education while working full time, or maybe do not have the money for attending a school. There is not any deadline for finishing the course, so that makes it really attractive as far as flexibility goes. What you gain in freedom to work at your own pace, you lose in personally making networking contacts for your career. I would say the best course of action might be to do both if you can afford it, the more training the better right?

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